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Cell & Gene Therapy

Determining patient prevalence with rare and ultra-rare diseases will help to build your gene therapy value story

Building Your Gene Therapy Value Story From Day One

Cell and gene therapies, also known as advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs), are potentially life changing. For patients with rare diseases, they extend the hope of a longer, healthier life and even of a cure. But these therapies are exceptionally expensive with up-front costs ranging from $500,000 to $2 million. Additionally, some incur heavy ongoing costs throughout the life of the patient.

For health technology assessment (HTA) organisations – which must balance clinical effectiveness, safety and efficacy with cost effectiveness, social outcomes and ethical considerations – the decision to support market access for ATMPs is a complex one. Budget constraints mean HTAs and insurers often must make tough decisions balancing the ATMP reimbursement with a reduction in spending elsewhere in the healthcare system. Consequently, therapies that are not viewed as compelling, face rejection. Moreover, the decision-making process can vary from region to region: vastly different decision criteria, for example, are adopted in the UK, the USA and China.

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